Peace in a Time of War: This Revival Means War 3
The war rages around you but peace comes from within. Jesus slept in the back of the boat as the disciples were scared of the storm. Where does this kind of peace come from? How can that kind of peace change your life?
This Revival Means War 2: Don't Quit Now
Revival is about restoration and strengthening. It's about being washed clean again. It's about a renewed fire inside. But Revival doesn't come by accident. This Revival Means War! Don't stop now, your revival is on its way.
This Revival Means War part 1
Revival is not about exciting singing, shouting, or dancing. Revival is not about tent meetings and special preachers. Revival is about bringing life to those that are dying. Revival means war. Your enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy but Jesus came to bring abundant life. Are you ready to fight for this revival?
He Restores My Soul
The attack grows stronger and the days grow darker. The struggle grows to be too much. But there is a prophetic promise of Restoration and Encouragement. The Lord has not grown weak and He has not forgotten His people. We will find restoration when we come back to God. He Restores My Soul.
The RealAnointing
In the Presence of God: When God shows up anything is possible.
Whose Image is it Anyway?
We were made in the Image of God but far too often we try to remake God into our image. Will the real Jesus please stand up?
I know it's crazy but I believe...
The greatest saints from history are set apart by their great faith. What kind of faith did they have? Well, most people thought they were crazy. Crazy faith unlocks crazy miracles. Are you ready for crazy faith?
New Creature, Renewed Mind
My greatest enemy? Satan, Media, Politicians, People around me? No. My greatest enemy is often my own mind. It takes a miracle to renew your mind. Let God do the work that only He can do.
Confidence In That Day
We live in a culture of fear. Politicians, advertising, television. They use fear to provoke a response. Satan uses that fear to destroy our nation. We have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.
Free Indeed
We celebrate the freedom of our nation but many of us are not truly free. Are you free from the pain, free from the shame, free from the addiction, free from the enemy? Are you free indeed?
America in the Mirror
A nation in turmoil and cities on fire. We are not so beautiful these days. To see ourselves clearly we need a clean mirror that can show us truth. The Word of God is Truth. And it offers hope. Find hope today.
Even So Come
In these dark days we look to our lighthouse, Jesus Christ. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
This Wilderness
We rejoin our Study of Luke to find Jesus being tested in the wilderness. From His victory over temptation we learn how to survive our own wilderness. We are more than conquerors, even in THIS WILDERNESS.
Rejects, Misfits, and Forgotten: God's Plan for Us
We continue the study of Luke and find the genealogy of Jesus. At first it looks like a boring list of names but if we look deeper we find an amazing story of God using rejects, misfits, and the forgotten people. In other words, if He can use them, He can use us.
Perfect God, Perfect Love: The Trinity and Us
We return to our study of Luke and find Jesus being baptized. There is so much to learn here but if we look a little deeper we can see something deeper about God. He exists in perfect love and invites us to share in it.
Easter 2020: Death to Fear, Rising Hope, Life of Purpose
Jesus changes everything. As the sun rose on that first Easter morning everything had changed. Fear had been given a deathblow, Hope had begun to rise, and our lives had been given purpose. This Easter let Jesus change everything in your life too.
Good Friday: the Servant's Sacrifice
This Good Friday we take a closer look at the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
Palm Sunday 2020
This Palm Sunday we look forward in time to a future celebration and remember that King Jesus will conquer all. The King is Coming!
That Saturday - Easter 2020 #1
We know about the cross. We know about the empty tomb. But what was happening on that Saturday? This is the first message of the Easter 2020 series.
Worship: Dance Like David Danced
God is seeking true worshipers who worship in Spirit and in Truth.
Give Me Life
This world is happy to burn your life to the ground with lies and hatred but the Promises of God will Give You Life!